لغة القالب





June 27, 2023

The ossification centers of the odontoid consist of: 

  1. One primary and two secondary centers 
  2. One secondary and three primary centers 
  3. Three secondary and one primary center 
  4. Two primary centers 
  5. Two primary and one secondary center
ANSWER : Two primary and one secondary center The odontoid consists of two primary and one secondary ossification center. The two primary centers lie inferiorly on either side of midline. The secondary ossification center is apical

An infant's brain mass doubles during the first_ months of life and triples by _ year/s. 

  1. 3, 1
  2. 6, 2.5 
  3. 9, 1
  4. 3, 2.5
ANSWER : 6, 2.5 

The resting membrane potential is determined mainly by: 

  1. Mg+2
  2. Ca+2 
  3. K+
  4. Na+

Increased velocity during the propagation of an action potential is dependent upon:

  1. Increased transmembrane resistance, increased internal resistance and decreased membrane capacitance.
  2. Decreased transmembrane resistance, increased internal resistance and decreased membrane capacitance.
  3. Increased transmembrane resistance, decreased internal resistance and decreased membrane capacitance.
  4. Decreased transmembrane resistance, increased internal resistance and increased membrane capacitance.

What happens to the membrane potential when extracellular Na+ concentration increased?

  1. Resting membrane potential will have a greater positive charge. 
  2. Total refractory period will be shortened. 
  3. Relative refractory period will be lengthened.
  4. Depolarization will occur more slowly.

Membrane repolarization is due to: 

  1. Closing of the K+ channels. 
  2. Opening of the Na+ channels. 
  3. Closing of the Na+ channels. 
  4. Opening of the K+ channels.
ANSWER : Closing of the Na+ channels. 

Neurotransmitter that is found in a postganglionic sympathetic nerve termlnnl: 

  1. GABA 
  2. Serotonin 
  3. Acetylcholine 
  4. Norepinephrine 
  5. 1+4
ANSWER : 1+4

Choose the MOST accurate statement regarding the physiology of an action potential:

  1. Voltage-gated potassium channels (also called delayed rectifier potassium channels) have a delayed response, such that potassium continues to flow out of the cell and initiate depolarization.
  2. Hyperpolarization is caused by K+ influx into a cell.
  3. Closing of voltage-gated potassium channels is both voltage- and timedependent.
  4. Depolarization is caused by Na+ efflux from a cell.
ANSWER : Closing of voltage-gated potassium channels is both voltage- and timedependent.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the intracellular second messenger cyclic AMP?

  1. It is involved with photoreception. 
  2. It is hydrolyzed by phospholipase. 
  3. It synergistically activates protein kinase C. 
  4. It is increased with D1 receptor stimulation.
ANSWER : It is increased with D1 receptor stimulation.

The failure of axonal regeneration in the CNS is most likely due to: 

  1. Inability of the axon to sprout and grow.
  2. The astrocytic scar obliterating pathways for axonal growth. 
  3. Neither 
  4. Both
ANSWER : The astrocytic scar obliterating pathways for axonal growth.

Hexamethonium blocks which receptor? 

  1. Muscarinic 
  2. Nicotinic 
  3. Glycine 
  4. Glutamate
ANSWER : Nicotinic 

The initiation of an action potential requires membrane depolarization of at least: 

  1. 2mV
  2. 5mV 
  3. 20mV 
  4. 90mV 
  5. 100 mV
ANSWER : 20mV 

The difference between the blood-brain barrier In the choroid plexus and other areas in the brain is that in the choroid plexus it Is primarily:

  1. Epithelial 
  2. Endothelial 
  3. Fenestrated 
  4. Absent
ANSWER : Epithelial 

Which of the following statements is LEAST likely regarding chemical synapses in cell ? 

  1. They are unidirectional. 
  2. Transmission through them is rapid . 
  3. Depolarization occurs at specialized regions called active zones. 
  4. They can be excitatory or inhibitory.
ANSWER : Transmission through them is rapid.

Which of the following statements is LEAST likely regarding electrical synapses in cells?

  1. They are unidirectional. 
  2. Transmission through them is rapid. 
  3. Connexons are the major composing proteins. 
  4. Pre- and post-synaptic neurons have direct cytoplasmic continuity with one another at specialized gap junctions.
ANSWER : They are unidirectional. 

Which of the following is the rate limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis? 

  1.  Tyrosine hydroxylase 
  2.  Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase 
  3.  Dopamine B-hydroxylase 
  4.  3-phosphglycerate dehydrogenase
ANSWER : Tyrosine hydroxylase 

Which of the following neurotransmitters is synthesized within the synaptic vesicle? 

  1. Epinephrine
  2. Norepinephrine 
  3. Dopamine
  4. Acetylcholine 
  5. Serotonin
ANSWER : Norepinephrine 

Which of the following is a site of neurogenesis? 

  1. Subependymal zone
  2. Hippocampus
  3. There is no known site of neurogenesis 
  4. 1 and 2
ANSWER : 1 and 2

What is the second messenger of all norepinephrine receptors ? 

  1. gAMP
  2. cAMP 
  3. Ca+2
  4. None of the above

Which of the following is the rate limiting enzyme in serotonin synthesis? 

  1.  5 hydroxytryptophandecarboxylase
  2.  Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase 
  3.  Tryptophan hydroxylase
  4.  3-phosphglycerate dehydrogenase
ANSWER : Tryptophan hydroxylase

The neurotransmitter released by Renshaw cells is? 

  1. Norepinephrine
  2. Epinephrine 
  3. Glycine
  4. Acetylcholine 
ANSWER : Glycine

Match the following cerebral blood flow rates and corresponding clinical manifistation. 

  1. Normal
  2. Cytotoxic edema 
  3. Severe
  4. Impending death
A. 50-60 ml/ 100 g/ min
B. 25 - 30 ml/ 100 g/ min 
C. 15 - 20 ml/ 100 g/ min 
D. 10 - 12 ml/ 100 g/ min
E. < 10 ml/ 100 g/ min
1. Normal : 50-60 ml/ 100 g/ min
2. Cytotoxic edema : 10 - 12 ml/ 100 g/ min 
3. Severe : 15 - 20 ml/ 100 g/ min
4.  Impending death : < 10 ml/ 100 g/ min

Choose the LEAST accurate statement regarding the production of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

  1. 70% is secreted by the choroid plexus. 
  2. About 400 - 500 ml of CSF is produced daily. 
  3. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and norepinephrine decrease the rate of CSF production ..
  4. The total volume of CSF in the adult human is 70 ml.
ANSWER : The total volume of CSF in the adult human is 70 ml.

Which of the following neurotransmitters is NOT associated with calcium channels in the setting of traumatic brain injury-related calcium influx?

  1. Histamine 
  2. Glutamate 
  3. Bradykinin 
  4. Serotonin 
  5. Acetylcholine
ANSWER : Bradykinin 

w111ch of the following statement(s) is correct regarding the effect hyperkalemia on the resting membrane potential?

  1. The resting membrane potential would become less negative. 
  2.  Less stimulus would be required to exceed threshold, leading to hyperexcitability of neurons.
  3. The resting membrane potential would become more negative. 
  4. Greater stimulus would be required to exceed threshold, leading to hyperexcitability of neurons.
  5. 1 and 2 
ANSWER : 1 and 2 

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the anatomy of the cavernous carotid artery?

  1. The inferior hypophyseal artery is most commonly a branch of the meningohypophyseal trunk.
  2. The inferior hypophyseal artery passes medially to the posterior pituitary capsule. 
  3. Persistent trigeminal arteries can also originate from the posterior vertical segment of the cavernous internal carotid artery and pass posteriorly through the posterior wall of the cavernous sinus to join the basilar artery between the origin of the superior and anterior inferior cerebellar arteries.
  4. The tentorial artery, or the artery of Bernasconi and Cassinari, is the most inconstant branch of the meningohypophyseal trunk.
ANSWER : (false)The tentorial artery, or the artery of Bernasconi and Cassinari, is the most inconstant branch of the meningohypophyseal trunk.

a-motor neurons are most commonly found in which Rexed lamina? 

  1. III
  2. V
  3. VI 
  4. IX 
  5. X

The dentate nucleus receives its blood supply from the:

  1. Vertebral artery 
  2. Basilar artery 
  3. Posterior inferior cerebellar artery 
  4. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery 
  5. Superior cerebellar artery
ANSWER : Superior cerebellar artery

A 48 year-old female presents with seizures and mental status changes. The examination reveals an audible bruit on the lateral aspect of her head, just anterior and superior to the ear. A CT angiogram shows a large arteriovenous malformation in the area of the lateral sulcus. The feeding arteries are M4 branches. Which of the following most likely represents the major draining vein?

  1. Inferior sagittal sinus 
  2. Internal cerebral vein 
  3. Ophthalmic vein 
  4. Superficial middle cerebral vein 
  5. Superior petrosal sinus

ANSWER : Superficial middle cerebral vein

An 81 year-old female presents with a steady decline in her cognitive function. She is diagnosed as having "probable" Alzheimer's disease. There is likely cell loss in the nucleus accumbens. Which of the following most specifically describes the location of this cell. group?

  1.  At the junction of the caudate head and putamen 
  2. At the junction of the pallidum and putamen 
  3. At the junction of the pallidum and substantianigra 
  4. Lateral to the line of Gennari E. Internal to the uncus
ANSWER : At the junction of the caudate head and putamen 



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